Error handling

This page will show you how to handle and correct the different errors that can appear in a document

As we have already commented on a previous occasion, you can configure different validations as well as the usage of the classifier and splitter for each of your environments.

During document processing, these validations and our processors not only help to ensure the quality of the processed data but they also help to find the errors that may have occurred.

when they detect that an error has been occurred, they try to determinate what type of error it is. Once the error has been defined , its corresponding error code is sent to the interface. Each error code has associated a brief description of about the error. The interface recevies the code error and shows the description in a message:

These messages permit to handle and correct the errors quickly and easily.

In the table below, we´re going to represent the different error codes can be appear during document processing and their corresponding descriptions. Some error codes may show one type of message or another depends on the situation. These messages will be separated within table by the symbol "/".

ERR_EMPTY_VALUEEmpty field. / Field X has an empty value.
ERR_LOW_CONFIDENCEField with low confidence. / Field X has low confidence. Is the value correct?.
ERR_INVALID_FORMATInvalid format for field X.
ERR_INCORRECT_VALUEWrong field, allowed values: Y. / Value not permitted for X field.
ERR_DATE_AFTER_CREATIONX field has been set in the future.
ERR_LINES_AND_TOTALS_MISSMATCHLines' aggregates do not match totals (fields Y).
ERR_ISSUER_EQUALS_RECIPIENTIssuer is the same as recipient.
ERR_AMOUNT_MISSMATCHTotals' amounts are not correct.
ERR_LINE_AMOUNT_MISSMATCHLine Y amount aggregates are not correct.
ERR_LINE_UNITARY_AMOUNT_MISSMATCHLine amounts are not correct.
ERR_BREAKDOWN_AMOUNT_MISSMATCHBreakdowns line X amounts are not correct.
ERR_COMPANY_ENTERPRISE_NOT_FOUND_clientClient not found. Select.
ERR_COMPANY_ENTERPRISE_NOT_FOUND_providerProvider not found. Select.
ERR_COMPANY_ENTERPRISE_NOT_FOUND_thirdPartyThird party not found. Select.
ERR_COMPANY_ENTERPRISE_NOT_VALIDATED_clientClient not validated.Validate.
ERR_COMPANY_ENTERPRISE_NOT_VALIDATED_providerProvider not validated.Validate.
ERR_COMPANY_ENTERPRISE_NOT_VALIDATED_thirdPartyThird party not validated.Validate.
ERR_READINGS_MISSMATCHUtility readings line X amounts are not correct.
ERR_CONSUMPTIONS_MISSMATCHTotal usage does not match what was extracted from readings.
ERR_OUT_OF_ACCOUNTING_PERIODDocument is being processed out of its accounting period.
ERR_NO_LINESNo lines detected.
ERR_LINE_CONCEPT_INCOMPLETEThere are empty line descriptions at page Y.
WARN_CLASSIFIER_FORCED_DEFTYPEClassifier detected X but set the default type to Y.
ERR_CLASSIFIER_DISCARDAutomatically discarded by classifier.
ERR_TOO_MANY_PAGESThe file has too many pages (Y pages). The maximum is Z pages.
ERR_NO_CONTENTNo content found in the document.
ERR_BAD_QUALITYLow quality. / Document quality is too low.
ERR_FILE_TOO_BIGThe file is too big. The limit is 50MB.
ERR_UNSUPPORTED_FILE_FORMATFile type not supported.