
During supply invoice processing all data are stored within a set of properties. These properties are defined by using the schema "SupplyInvoice".

So that the user can better understand how we structure and store the characteristic data of a supply invoice, we present the following table. In it we explain in more detail what properties are defined by this schema and what type of information stores each one.

currencyData ObjectObject that indicates wich currency the recipient must pay with.
languageData ObjectThe language in wich the supply invoice is written.
isCreditNoteData ObjectA receipt given by a shop to a customer who has returned goods, which can be offset against future purchases.
numberFormatData ObjectUsed formats to represent the numbers.
taxClassData ObjectThe applied tax rate in the supply invoice.
issuerCountryData ObjectThe country acronyms the issuer comes from.
recipientCountryData ObjectThe country acronyms the recipient comes from.
issuerAddressDetailsData ObjectObject that stores information about the issuer´s location such as the country, the region, the postalCode or the street name.
recipientAddressDetailsData ObjectObject that stores information about the recipient´s location such as the country, the region, the postalCode or the street name.
exchangeRateData ObjectRate that determines the value of the one currency in relation to each other.
companyActsLikeData ObjectMarker that indicates if the company is the issuer or the recipient.
documentNumberData ObjectThe supply invoice number.
seriesCodeData ObjectA set of numbers or letters that permit us to group documents.
issueDateData ObjectDate of issue of the supply invoice.
periodData ObjectThe billing period.
clientCodeData ObjectThe client´s number issuer uses to identificate.
deliveryNoteRefData ObjectReference number of a delivery note.
orderRefData ObjectReference number of an order.
contractRefData ObjectThe contract reference number.
incotermsData ObjectShort international commercial terms that clarify the obligations of buyers and sellers in foreign trade contracts.
invoiceRefData ObjectObject that stores the reference numbers belonging to invoices.They apperar within document.
documentTypeData ObjectType of document that is used to make the supply invoice.
additionalNotesData ObjectAdditional notes that appear within supply invoice.
legalNotesData ObjectNotes related to legal aspects.
signData ObjectSignature associated with the document.
paymentMethodData ObjectUsed method to make the payment.
IBANData ObjectIdentifier code of a bank account.
SWIFTData ObjectIdentifier bank entity of a bank account.
bankSortCodeData ObjectIdentification code of the a banking branch. This code is used in the Uk and Ireland.
bankAccountNumberData ObjectNumber of the bank account.
bankRoutingNumberData ObjectRouting transit number. This number enables to identify the financial institution in US.
bankAccountNameData ObjectName of the bank account holder.
paymentTermsData ObjectEstablished conditions to make the payment.
issuerNameData ObjectThe issuer´s name.
issuerTaxIdData ObjectTax id number of the issuer
issuerAddressData ObjectThe official issuer´s location
issuerEmailData ObjectEmail to get in touch with the issuer.
issuerPhoneNumberData ObjectPhone number to get in toucht with the issuer.
issuerFaxData ObjectFax number to get in toucht with the issuer.
issuerWebsiteData ObjectThe issuer´s website
recipientNameData ObjectThe recipient´s name.
recipientTaxIdData ObjectTax id number of the recipient
recipientAddressData ObjectThe official recipient´s location.
recipientEmailData ObjectEmail to get in touch with the recipient
recipientPhoneNumberData ObjectPhone number to get in toucht with the recipient.
recipientFaxData ObjectFax number to get in toucht with the recipient.
recipientWebsiteData ObjectThe recipient´s website.
shippingAddressData ObjectThe shipping address.
totalGrossAmountData ObjectTotal gross amount.
totalFeesAmountData ObjectTotal amount allocated to fees.
totalDiscountAmountData ObjectTotal amount comes from the discounts.
totalTaxBaseAmountData ObjectTotaltax base amount of the supply invoice
totalTaxAmountData ObjectTotal amount allocated to taxes.
withholdingTaxRateData ObjectThe holding tax that has been applied on the supply invoice
withholdingTaxAmountData ObjectTotal amount allocated to holding tax.
reimbursableExpensesAmountData ObjectTotal amount comes from the reimbursable charges.
totalAmountData ObjectTotal amount remainig after appliying the taxes, discounts, fees, holding taxes and charges to the tax base.
additionalChargesAmountData ObjectTotal amount allocated to additional charges.
additionalDiscountsAmountData ObjectTotal amount comes from additional discounts.
totalDueAmountData ObjectTotal amount of money outstanding to be payed by the recipient.
serviceAddressData ObjectLocation of the place that is responsable to provide the service.
supplyNumberData ObjectIdentification number of the supply point.
meterNumberData ObjectThe identification number of the meter.
totalUsageData ObjectTotal amount the recipient has consumed
usageUnitOfMeasurementData ObjectUnit of measurement that is used to calculate the total usage.
additionalDataData ObjectObject that stores the data obtained from the extensions.
additionalDataModeStringUsed mode to extract the additional data.
groupData ObjectLinear grouper.
columnNameData ObjectThe column name
identifierData ObjectIdentifiation code of the product.
providerRefData ObjectProvider reference number
clientRefData ObjectClient reference number
descriptionData ObjectBrief description of the product
dateData ObjectDate in which the item was ordered.
quantityData ObjectNumber of items of a product.
unitOfMeasurementData ObjectUnit of measurement that is used to calculate the cost or the usage.
grossUnitPriceData ObjectGross price of an praoduct.
taxBaseUnitPriceData ObjectTax base price of an product.
totalUnitPriceData ObjectTotal price of an item after appliying its taxes, discounts and fees.
grossAmountData ObjectThe gross amount associated with the products.
discountAmountData ObjectThe amount comes from the discounts applied to the products.
discountRateData ObjectType of discount that is applied on the items
feesAmountData ObjectThe amount allocated to the fees associated with the products.
feesRateData ObjectType of fee that is applied on the products..
taxBaseAmountData ObjectTax base amount of the products..
taxRateData ObjectTax rate that is applied on the products.
taxAmountData ObjectThe amount allocated to taxes associated with the products.
totalAmountData ObjectTotal amount of the items after appliying their taxes, discounts and fees.
breakdownsArrayData about the different rates that have been used on the supply invoice.
duesArrayInformation that indicates the total amount outstanding and the last permited day to make the payment.
previousData ObjectObject that stores the previous consumption readings.
currentData ObjectObject that stores the current consumption readings.
adjustmentData ObjectAdjustments applied to the consumption readings.
usageData ObjectTotal quantity consumed.


The properties of the schema supplyInvoice will be displayed within the attribute "data" of the schema Document !