
During bank statement processing, all data are stored within a set of properties. These properties are defined by using the schema "BankStatement".

So that the user can better understand how we structure and store the characteristic data of an bank statement, we present the following table. In it we explain in more detail what properties are defined by this schema and what type of information stores each one.

currencyData ObjectObject that indicates wich currency the recipient must pay with.
languageData ObjectThe language in wich the promissory note is written.
isCreditNoteData ObjectA receipt given by a shop to a customer who has returned goods, which can be offset against future purchases.
numberFormatData ObjectUsed formats to represent the numbers.
taxClassData ObjectThe applied tax rate in the promissory note.
issuerCountryData ObjectThe country acronyms the issuer comes from.
recipientCountryData ObjectThe country acronyms the recipient comes from.
issuerAddressDetailsData ObjectObject that stores information about the issuer´s location such as the country, the region, the postal code or the street name.
recipientAddressDetailsData ObjectObject that stores information about the recipient´s location such as the country, the region, the postal code or the street name.
exchangeRateData ObjectRate that determines the value of the one currency in relation to each other.
companyActsLikeData ObjectMarker that indicates if the company is the issuer or the recipient.
issueDateData ObjectDate of issue of the bank statement.
periodData ObjectPeriod of time where all descripted transactions were performed.
entityNameData ObjectName of the bank entity associated with the document.
dateData ObjectDate of issue of the transaction.
lineTypeData ObjectMarker that indicates if the line refers to a deposit or a withdrawal.
transactionDescriptionData ObjectBrief description of the transaction.
transactionTypeData ObjectType of the transaction(deposits, withdrawal, purchase, online transfer,...).
transactionDateData ObjectDate on wich the transaction was carried out.
transactionEntityData ObjectName of the entity receiving the transaction.
transactionAddressData ObjectLocation of the entity receiving the transaction.
transactionCardData ObjectBeneficiary´s card number.
amountData ObjectInvolved amount of money in the transaction.
additionalDataData ObjectObject that stores the data obtained from the extensions.
additionalDataModeStringUsed mode to extract the additional data.


The properties of the schema BankStatement will be displayed within the attribute "data" of the schema Document !