
This page will help you better understand how data is stored in Invofox

Performing queries such as obtaining the information about a concrete element (e.g: a specific document or a specific provider) or finding what elements comply with some criteria (e.g: documents has been uploaded yesterday), might seem simple at first glance. However, they can turn into a nightmare if the information aren´t saved correctly!.

To make the developers´s lives easier, we have defined a set of schemas we use as templates to store the data come from the different elements (documents, companies, clients, users, etc). Their principal goals are:

  • Structure the information in such a way that they can be easily understood by the users.
  • Permit fast and simple consultered or filtered processes can be performed by the users.
  • Permit some data can be added, updated or eliminated by the users using simple processes.

Throughout this section, we are going to explain in-depth various schemas in which the components are structured and what type of information are stored in each of them.