During ticket processing all of data are stored within a set of properties. These properties are defined by using the schema "Ticket"
So that the user can better understand how we structure and store the characteristic data of a ticket, we present the following table. In it we explain in more detail what properties are defined by this model and what type of information stores each one.
currency | Data Object | Object that indicates wich currency the recipient must pay with. |
language | Data Object | The language in wich the ticket is written. |
isCreditNote | Data Object | A receipt given by a shop to a customer who has returned goods, which can be offset against future purchases. |
numberFormat | Data Object | Used formats to represent the numbers. |
taxClass | Data Object | The applied tax rate in the ticket. |
issuerCountry | Data Object | The country acronyms the issuer comes from. |
recipientCountry | Data Object | The country acronyms the recipient comes from. |
issuerAddressDetails | Data Object | Object that stores information about the issuer´s location such as the country , the region ,the postalCode or the street name. |
recipientAddressDetails | Data Object | Object that stores information about the recipient´s location such as the country , the region ,the postalCode or the street name. |
exchangeRate | Data Object | Rate that determines the value of the one currency in relation to each other. |
companyActsLike | Data Object | Marker that indicates if the company is the issuer or the recipient. |
documentNumber | Data Object | The ticket number. |
seriesCode | Data Object | A set of numbers or letters that permit us to group documents. |
issueDate | Data Object | Date of issue of the ticket |
period | Data Object | The billing period. |
clientCode | Data Object | The client´s number issuer uses to identificate. |
deliveryNoteRef | Data Object | Reference number of a delivery note. |
orderRef | Data Object | Reference number of an order. |
contractRef | Data Object | The contract reference number. |
incoterms | Data Object | Short international commercial terms that clarify the obligations of buyers and sellers in foreign trade contracts. |
invoiceRef | Data Object | Object that stores the reference numbers belonging to invoices. They appear within document. |
documentType | Data Object | Type of document that is used to make the ticket. |
additionalNotes | Data Object | Additional notes that appear within the invoice. |
legalNotes | Data Object | Notes related to legal aspects. |
sign | Data Object | Signature associated with the document. |
paymentMethod | Data Object | Used method to make the payment. |
IBAN | Data Object | Identifier code of a bank account. |
SWIFT | Data Object | Identifier bank entity of a bank account. |
bankSortCode | Data Object | Identification code of the a banking branch. This code is used in the Uk and Ireland. |
bankAccountNumber | Data Object | Number of the bank account. |
bankRoutingNumber | Data Object | Routing transit number. This number enables to identify the financial institution. |
bankAccountName | Data Object | Name of the bank account holder. |
paymentTerms | Data Object | Established conditions to make the payment. |
issuerName | Data Object | The issuer´s name. |
issuerTaxId | Data Object | Tax id number of the issuer |
issuerAddress | Data Object | The official issuer´s location |
issuerEmail | Data Object | Email to get in touch with the issuer. |
issuerPhoneNumber | Data Object | Phone number to get in toucht with the issuer. |
issuerFax | Data Object | Fax number to get in toucht with the issuer. |
issuerWebsite | Data Object | The issuer´s website |
recipientName | Data Object | The recipient´s name. |
recipientTaxId | Data Object | Tax id number of the recipient |
recipientAddress | Data Object | The official recipient´s location. |
recipientEmail | Data Object | Email to get in touch with the recipient |
recipientPhoneNumber | Data Object | Phone number to get in toucht with the recipient. |
recipientFax | Data Object | Fax number to get in toucht with the recipient. |
recipientWebsite | Data Object | The recipient´s website. |
shippingAddress | Data Object | The shipping address. |
totalGrossAmount | Data Object | Total gross amount. |
totalFeesAmount | Data Object | Total amount allocated to fees. |
totalDiscountAmount | Data Object | Total amount comes from the discounts. |
totalTaxBaseAmount | Data Object | Total tax base amount of the ticket. |
totalTaxAmount | Data Object | Total amount allocated to taxes. |
withholdingTaxRate | Data Object | The holding tax that has been applied on the ticket |
withholdingTaxAmount | Data Object | Total amount allocated to holding tax. |
reimbursableExpensesAmount | Data Object | Total amount comes from the reimbursable charges. |
totalAmount | Data Object | Total amount remainig after appliying the taxes, discounts, fees, holding taxes and charges to the tax base. |
time | Data Object | Time in wich the ticket was issued. |
additionalChargesAmount | Data Object | Total amount allocated to additional charges. |
additionalDiscountsAmount | Data Object | Total amount comes from additional discounts. |
totalDueAmount | Data Object | Total amount of money outstanding to be payed by the recipient. |
additionalData | Data Object | Object that stores the data obtained from the extensions. |
additionalDataMode | String | Used mode to extract the additional data. |
group | Data Object | Linear grouper. |
columnName | Data Object | The column name |
identifier | Data Object | Identifiation code of the product. |
providerRef | Data Object | Provider reference number |
clientRef | Data Object | Client reference number |
description | Data Object | Brief description of the product |
date | Data Object | Date in which the item was ordered. |
quantity | Data Object | Number of items of a product. |
unitOfMeasurement | Data Object | Unit of measurement that is used to calculate the cost or the usage. |
grossUnitPrice | Data Object | Gross price of an item |
taxBaseUnitPrice | Data Object | Tax base price of an item |
totalUnitPrice | Data Object | Total price of an item after appliying its taxes, discounts and fees. |
grossAmount | Data Object | The gross amount associated with the items |
discountAmount | Data Object | The amount comes from the discounts applied to the items |
discountRate | Data Object | Type of discount that is applied on the items |
feesAmount | Data Object | The amount allocated to the fees associated with the items. |
feesRate | Data Object | Type of fee that is applied on the item. |
taxBaseAmount | Data Object | Tax base amount of the items. |
taxRate | Data Object | Tax rate that is applied on the items |
taxAmount | Data Object | The amount allocated to taxes associated with the items. |
totalAmount | Data Object | Total amount of the items after appliying their taxes, discounts and fees. |
breakdowns | Array | Data about the different rates that have been used on the ticket. |
dues | Array | Information that indicates the total amount outstanding and the last permited day to make the payment |
The properties of the schema Ticket will be displayed within the attribute "data" of the schema Document !
Updated 6 months ago