
During payslip processing, all data are stored within a set of properties. These properties are defined by using the schema "Payslip".

So that the user can better understand how we structure and store the characteristic data of a payslip, we present the following table. In it we explain in more detail what properties are defined by this schema and what type of information stores each one.

issueDateData ObjectThe date the payslip was issued.
periodData ObjectThe time period covered by the payslip.
period.startDateData ObjectThe start date of the covered period.
period.endDateData ObjectThe end date of the covered period.
period.durationData ObjectThe number of days in the covered period.
employerData ObjectInformation about the employer.
employer.idData ObjectUnique identifier for the employer.
employer.nameData ObjectName of the employer.
employer.addressData ObjectEmployer's address.
employer.identifiersArrayEmployer's identification numbers, including tax ID and SSN.
employeeData ObjectInformation about the employee.
employee.idData ObjectUnique identifier for the employee.
employee.nameData ObjectFull name of the employee.
employee.birthDateData ObjectEmployee's birth date.
employee.identifiersArrayEmployee's identification numbers, including tax ID and SSN.
jobData ObjectDetails about the employee's job role.
job.nameData ObjectJob title of the employee.
job.locationData ObjectJob location.
job.categoryData ObjectJob category or classification.
job.codeData ObjectJob code or identifier.
job.startDateData ObjectThe start date of the employee's job.
totalsData ObjectSummary of earnings, deductions, and costs.
totals.grossEarningsData ObjectGross earnings of the employee, both current and YTD.
totals.deductionsData ObjectDeductions applied, both current and YTD.
totals.netEarningsData ObjectNet earnings after deductions, both current and YTD.
totals.contributionsData ObjectEmployer contributions to benefits or insurance, both current and YTD.
totals.othersData ObjectOther financial details, both current and YTD.
totals.totalCostData ObjectTotal employment cost to the employer, both current and YTD.
paymentDetailsData ObjectBank and payment information for salary transfer.
paymentDetails.ibanData ObjectInternational Bank Account Number for salary transfer.
paymentDetails.swiftData ObjectSWIFT code for international transactions.


The properties of the schema Payslip will be displayed within the attribute "data" of the schema Document !