During payslip processing, all data are stored within a set of properties. These properties are defined by using the schema "Payslip".
So that the user can better understand how we structure and store the characteristic data of a payslip, we present the following table. In it we explain in more detail what properties are defined by this schema and what type of information stores each one.
issueDate | Data Object | The date the payslip was issued. |
period | Data Object | The time period covered by the payslip. |
period.startDate | Data Object | The start date of the covered period. |
period.endDate | Data Object | The end date of the covered period. |
period.duration | Data Object | The number of days in the covered period. |
employer | Data Object | Information about the employer. | | Data Object | Unique identifier for the employer. | | Data Object | Name of the employer. |
employer.address | Data Object | Employer's address. |
employer.identifiers | Array | Employer's identification numbers, including tax ID and SSN. |
employee | Data Object | Information about the employee. | | Data Object | Unique identifier for the employee. | | Data Object | Full name of the employee. |
employee.birthDate | Data Object | Employee's birth date. |
employee.identifiers | Array | Employee's identification numbers, including tax ID and SSN. |
job | Data Object | Details about the employee's job role. | | Data Object | Job title of the employee. |
job.location | Data Object | Job location. |
job.category | Data Object | Job category or classification. |
job.code | Data Object | Job code or identifier. |
job.startDate | Data Object | The start date of the employee's job. |
totals | Data Object | Summary of earnings, deductions, and costs. |
totals.grossEarnings | Data Object | Gross earnings of the employee, both current and YTD. |
totals.deductions | Data Object | Deductions applied, both current and YTD. |
totals.netEarnings | Data Object | Net earnings after deductions, both current and YTD. |
totals.contributions | Data Object | Employer contributions to benefits or insurance, both current and YTD. |
totals.others | Data Object | Other financial details, both current and YTD. |
totals.totalCost | Data Object | Total employment cost to the employer, both current and YTD. |
paymentDetails | Data Object | Bank and payment information for salary transfer. |
paymentDetails.iban | Data Object | International Bank Account Number for salary transfer. |
paymentDetails.swift | Data Object | SWIFT code for international transactions. |
The properties of the schema Payslip will be displayed within the attribute "data" of the schema Document !
Updated 9 days ago